Sunday, September 29, 2013

Recent funnies

Lately whenever I ask Lydia if she can help me find something she says, "It's righ heeerre, slilly!" haha I love that.

Also, some of her favorite things to say are "ah see da tempo" from the song I love to See The Temple. Then she says, "a tempo, anjo nomi, maweed, kissies, hugs flowa". She loves the temple.

She loves doing the "mean eyes" haha

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Other day funnies

The other day Lydia was standing on her potty/stool in the bathroom looking at her self in the mirror. She kept repeating " (stands for violin)" then all of a sudden got really quiet. I yelled to her, "Lydia.. what are you dooing??" and she answered straightforwardly "I pooping" hahah. At least she's honest!

A few days ago I told Lydia that she was a big girl and Elena is a baby girl. Then I asked her, "Are you a big girl or a baby girl?" "big gul".."what is Elena?" "baby gul" "Is Daddy a big boy or a little boy?" "big gul" haha!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lydia's funnies..

The other night Lydia was refusing to sleep, so I put her in my bed and started to sleep. She pats me on the back and says, "at's wron? at's wron, Mommy? at's wron?" "I'm sleepy" "..So dumb." HAHA little brat. Then a minute later she asks the same thing and I said, "I'm tired baby, I'm sleepy I need to go to sleep." "Nahyee not nice! not nice!" haha little stinker

The other day Jonathan grabbed Elena's legs to wiggle them around and Lydia was basically screaming at Jonathan..."tareful Daddy...tareful Daddy!! TAREFUL!!!!" She is just too funny! She was genuinely concerned for Baby Sissy :)

Jonathan came home from the gym the other night and came up to Lydia and she told him, "Goss shirt! goss shirt!!" because he was all sweaty. He also has a pillow he needs to wash badly, and whenever he puts it near her, she says "gucky pillow" haha. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

August 23, 2013 sayings

Earlier, while I was going to the bathroom ( a total of 2 minutes by myself ) I start to hear Elena crying somewhat annoyingly. I come to find out that Lydia put a blanket over her head and was patting her face saying, "Baby cold..Baby cold." Haha it was sad, but funny! At least she was trying to make her feel warm

Later, while Elena was once again, lying on the floor, Lydia was drinking her sippy cup and tripped over Elena's face. They were both crying pretty hard - the pain in Elena's eye, and the hurt in Lydia's heart. To console Lydia I said, "it's okay, it was an accident. Does your heart hurt?" "Yes haut hiets..." while she pointed to her scraped knee that's been trying to heal for weeks now hahaha. I love her.

While dancing on our bed today, Lydia saw the Texas longhorns sign and tried so hard to do the longhorns sign (kind of like the rock-on sign) but could only get 1 finger down haha. She calls it "hahnhorn"

When Lydia saw the cover of a Lord of the Rings song on the iPad, she pointed to Gandalf and said, "Jeesthes" haha, that's a pretty nice compliment, Gandalf!

Jonathan and I both pretended to leave the house while Lydia was standing on a chair. We shut the door behind us and tried listening..but she didn't cry or anything. So we walked around to the front of the apt where she was near the window and could hear her hitting the blinds. Then Jonathan pretended to be a scary monster and all she said was, "Shhh *bang bang bang* shhh Sissy heep!" (meaning Sissy's sleeping) Hahaha Lydia you're so courageous. :) 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Facebook posts of Lydia in August and July

Here are the most recent things I've copied from facebook, that I felt were particularly funny about Lydia. Feel free to laugh.

Aug 18, 2013
When I was trying to get Lydia to grab a diaper out of my diaper bag, she stood in front of it pulling everything out..except a diaper. Here I am saying, "It's right there! Right there, the bag! Bring the bag to Mommy!" Finally she said.."Gosh. Do dumb."

Aug 17, 13
We watched the county fair's fireworks from our parking lot, then went inside and set Lydia up on a chair to watch them from our kitchen window. 5 minutes later they were over and then she had a huge meltdown. There's only so many ways I can explain what happened to them, including.."they had to go to sleep." haha. Poor thing. She was crushed.

Aug 15, 13
So we started watching the first Harry Potter last night *gasp!* and we are finishing it right now (we decided to go to sleep before we stayed up too late). Lydia started calling out "Jeesthes Jeesthes!" when Prof Dumbledore came on the screen Hahahah. Needless to say, Jonathan and I busted out laughing. I love little kids. 

Aug 9, 13
 Every time I ask Lydia if she "wants" to do something (like take a nap, go on the potty, eat..put some clothes on haha) she tells me "no" (I know I'm the boss, but I like to let her use her agency sometimes..and then I still do what I want ). Well, just now I said, "Well Lydia.." and she cut me off and said "no" before I could even finish my sentence! Little stinker. 

Aug 9, 13
Okay okay.. last one about Lydia and then I'll shut up . I put her down for a nap and as I left her I said, "Love you, goodnight" "luh you ganigh" "Sweet dreams" "e-eams".."Love you, baby cakes.."Luh you bakes" Hahahaha Bakes. She seriously makes me so happy! I love being a mom on days like this.

Aug 9, 13
We heard police/ambulance sirens going off a few minutes ago and Lydia said, "oh no! tha sound!" and I said, "yep, someone's in trouble. They need help." So she got super excited, put on her butterfly sandals and was running around near the door saying, "ah help a guys! ah help a guys!" haha she is so sweet. I had to give her a big hug for that one!

Aug 9, 13
Listening to Lydia count her numbers using her styrofoam bath letters.."ooone, twoo, free," Goodness, I love her! lol...Apparently 5 isn't important and even though she saw the purple X, it fit right in..if you're considering roman numerals.

July 29, 2013
As Lydia heard the thunder she said, "Ohhh! Jeeze! The funda!!! Mommy iss scewwy! The funda scewwy" hahaha then she went over to her baby doll and said "ohhh!! scewwy. You okay baby?" 

July 28, 2013
Haha a new one for Lydia. Today, after her food splatter mess I asked her if she wanted to take a shower. She said, "no...I sick" "you're sick?!" "Uh huh! yeah! I sick" "oh well then you definitely need to take a shower so you can feel better." "OokaaaAY." She tried pulling "I'm sick" at naptime too hahaha not even in school and she's already trying to use being sick to get out of things!

July 28, 13
Lydia's been crying in her room for the past 5 minutes. Then she said.."I kying..." and I asked "Why are you crying?" .."I sad." aww haha little stinker needs to go back to sleep!

July 26, 13
I love Lydia's vocabulary as of late! She calls Daddy "slilly," calls fireworks "fahduh" haha, thunder "funda" - (I realize I already told everyone she calls it thunda, but I was wrong, it's funda.) And she has a mini dialogue between herself in which she says, "I luh you mores... I luh you most."..or we'll take turns saying that - which she has obviously caught from "tumble" hahaha. And earlier today I caught her saying, "go non?" for what's going on? and she'll say "ah haut" when she wants to listen to your heart :}

July 21, 13
While eating a popsicle I asked Lydia if she wanted to read scriptures and she silently shook her head no..then I told her, okay no more popsicle unless we read scriptures. Then I asked her of she wanted to read scriptures again and she smiled and nodded yes. Hahaha bribery at its finest. 

July 18, 2013
I just asked Lydia who "this little girl is?" And she said "...a boy"..... Thanks Tik.  

 July 15, 13
Whenever poor Lydia is hurt or sad she tells me, "Ah holjew" hahaha basically meaning she wants me to hold her because that's what I tell her -"Want me to hold you?" but instead of her saying "hold me", she tells me she wants to "hold you." 

July 3, 13
I find it funny that Lydia will talk to "baco" aka her tricycle she calls a bicycle..and wait for it to respond.. lol She can't pedal it but every time I tell her it's time for a nap/bed she says, "No! Baco!" or earlier she chewed some sugar snapped peas and spit them out on me while I was distracted..then later said, wha a mesh baco!" and then told it to "C'mon baco" hahaha